Bremen NatureCultures Lab held the following sessions in Summer Semester 2017:
10th April 2017, 12:15h, SFG 2210
NatureCultures vs. Political Ecology – Real buzz or old wine in a new bottle?
Reading & Discussion Session based on: Anna Tsing (2015), The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Part III/chap 11-15, p 149-213.
8th May 2017, 12:15h, SFG 2210
„One Health(y) Future? Entanglement of Health and Agriculture; Past, Present and Future in Insect Control in Ghana“ – Talk by Uli Beisel (University of Bayreuth)
16th May, 18h, Rotunde im Cartesium
“Working with Nature in Aotearoa New Zealand: An Ethnography of Coastal Protection” – Presentation by Friederike Gesing
30th May, 18:15h, Rotunde im Cartesium
“Das Auftauchen von Mikroplastik: Meeresmüll, marine Wissensproduktion, Umweltgerechtigkeit und die Politik der Maßstäbe” – Presentation by Sven Bergmann
19th June, 12h, SFG 2210
“Writing NatureCultures” – Workshop with Banu Subramaniam
21st June, 18h, Rotunde im Cartesium
“Counter-Narratives of the Enlightenment: Tales from the Edges of Science and Religion in India” – Talk in the World-of-Contradiction Lecture Series by Banu Subramaniam