14.1.2025. Tamar Novick, Humboldt Universität. “Milk and Honey: Technologies of Plenty in the Making of a Holy Land.”
3.12.2024. Jia-Hui Lee, Universität Bayreuth. “Counterhuman: People, Rats, and an Anthropology of Technology.”
5.11.2024. Yichun Zhang, Universität Bremen. “Die Fischtreppe in Bremen: Eine Multispezies Geschichtserzählung” (Treffen an der Weser)
27.9.2024: Prof. Adam Fish, University of New South Walves; Prof. Sebastian Vehlken, Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg. “Drones at Sea: Environmental Activism, Ecological Monitoring, and Planetary Surveillance”
26.9.2024: Prof. Debjani Bhattacharyya, Universität Zürich; Prof. Jennifer Telasca, Radboud University. “Governing the Ocean: From Imperial Commerce to Blue Economies”