Bremen NatureCultures Lab held the following sessions in Winter Semester 2017/18:
20th November, 12:15h, SFG 2210
„Managed Retreat in New Zealand – Governing Coastal Property at Risk from Erosion“ – Presentation by Jan Scheve
7th-8th December, Leuphana University Lüneburg
„Towards a Techno-Ecology of Participation“ – Outlying Workshop by Prof. Dr. Erich Hörl and Dr. Yuk Hui
18th December, 12:15h, SFG 2210
Reading and Discussion Session: Ontologies?!
An attempt to get to grips on the talks of the ‚ontological turn‘ in anthropology, geography and STS collectively
8th January, 12:15h, SFG 2210
„’How many bodies can we have?’ Methodische & methodologische Überlegungen zu phänomenologischen und materiell semiotischen Körperkonzeptionen” – Presentation by Annekatrin Skeide
15th-16th March, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HKW) Delmenhorst
„Uncanny Futures: Speculative Ecologies of Waste“ – Outlying Workshop by Sven Bergmann and Franziska Klaas