Lecture Series 2015: Videos

Martina Schlünder (09.12.15): (Knochen-) Schafe als Versuchstiere in der Unfallchirurgie

Emily Yates-Doerr (27.01.15): Does meat come from animals? Classification and the practice of belonging

Sarah Whatmore/University of Oxford (28.04.15): Living with flooding: science, democracy and the redistribution of environmental expertise

Steve Hinchliffe/Exeter University (05.05.15): Pathogenicities and the spatialities of disease situations

Owain Jones/Bath Spa University (12.05.15): Is My Flesh Not Public? Thinking of bodies and the public through water

Melanie Stilz/TU Berlin (02.06.15): Whose technology for whose development?

Tanja Bogusz/HU Berlin (09.06.15): Zwischen Natur und Kultur. Ethnographische Übersetzungsversuche einer heeresbiologischen Expedition in Papua Neuguinea

Michael Flitner (30.06.15): Der Kiwi und das Possum: Räume schaffen für Leben und Tod

Jamie Lorimer/University of Oxford (07.07.15): Wild experiments: Rethinking environmentalism for the Anthropocene

Kim Fortun/Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (14.07.15): Experiments in Environmental Public Health: Scientific, Political, Ethnographic, Digital