BNCL Program Winter 2017/18

Please note the program for the Bremen NatureCultures Lab in the upcoming winter semester. Details will follow with the sessions approaching.

20 November 2017 | 12:15-13:45 | SFG 2210
Jan Scheve “Managed Retreat in New Zealand – Governing Coastal Property at Risk from Erosion”
With this session we can continue our discussions on coastal naturecultures and coastal protection practices from Mai (talk Frieda Gesing). With the help of Jan Scheve (artec, INTERCOAST), who will share with us some insights from his PhD research, we will shift the focus however to coastal environments as property.

18 December 2017 | 12:15-13:45 | SFG 2210
Reading and Discussion Session: Ontologies?!
An attempt to get to grips on the talks of the ‘ontological turn’ in anthropology, geography and STS collectively. (Reading will be announced)

8 January 2018 | 12:15-13:45 | SFG 2210 (session in German language)
Annekatrin Skeide “How many bodies should we have?” Methodische & methodologische Überlegungen zu phänomenologischen und materiell semiotischen Körperkonzeptionen

Another session in January 2018 is likely, but has not been confirmed yet.

Please email Katrin Amelang amelang[at] if you would like to join us!