NatureCultures Lecture Series Winter 2021/2022


Starting on Oc 26 the lecture series The Sea is Rising – And So are We? Climate Change and Socioecological Transformation” explores the planetary environmental crisis from the vantage point of the social sciences and humanities. We ask not only how the crisis must be understood socially, culturally, politically and geographically, but what role our sciences can play in the monumental challenges that lie ahead?

Tuesdays 6:15 pm| online or/and B1400 in GW2 (U Bremen, Boulevard 11/13)

Registration is required for each session: To receive the zoom link, send an email until 8pm the night before to:

Flyers for the individual events can be found here/are update here .

Organized by: Andre Mühlebach, Michael Flitner, Jaqueline Buhk und Minoush Prieb

Department for Anthropology & Cultural Research, Artec Sustainability Research Center, Bremen NatureCultures Lab